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Life After a Heart Attack

Life After a Heart Attack

A heart attack is a frightening event, and recovery is usually accompanied by a bundle of confusing emotions. You’re likely grateful you survived, angry that you need to make changes, and afraid of having another one. Many people experience depression after a heart attack. 

Your recovery and preventing another heart attack are two of the biggest concerns we have at Heart & Vascular Institute. Our experts want to help you manage your recovery, answer your questions, and map out a plan for a healthy future. 

In this post, we present a few things that you can expect after a heart attack. 

The short term 

In the days immediately after you’re released from the hospital, you likely have many questions. Write them down so that we can address them when you come in for an appointment. 

After a heart attack, your body is weak, and you may wonder whether you should exercise. You should exercise, but you need to build up to it slowly. Even if you begin by walking across your living room, you can develop a habit of movement that will serve you well as you recover. 

You can expect to take home new medications after a heart attack. Make sure you know what you’re taking, as well as how and how often. Make a list of your medications and dosages and keep it with you. 

Also helpful in the immediate aftermath of a heart attack is a cardiac rehabilitation program. This is a program designed to help you make healthy lifestyle changes, learn how to begin exercising safely, and understand risk factors for another heart attack.

Longer term

Many things you do early in your recovery serve as building blocks for a healthy future. For example, learning how to exercise can help you build a habit of regular physical activity, which is an important tool for preventing another heart attack. 

Learning to consume a heart-healthy diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables and limits unhealthy fats and sodium is another habit that can help you live a long and healthy life after a heart attack. 

If you smoke, quitting is crucial for your heart health. If you try and fail, try again. Most people need several attempts before they’re successful. Talk to us about quitting; we can direct you to helpful resources. 

Finally, after you have a heart attack, your risk of another is higher. It’s important that you see your cardiologist regularly so we can monitor your heart’s health and look for any warning signs. 

If you’ve had a heart attack and you have questions about your medications, smoking, exercising, diet, or other topics, schedule an appointment today at one of the three convenient locations of Heart & Vascular Institute, in Dearborn, Detroit, and Southfield, Michigan.

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